Engaged Event 2014

May 12, 2014 in Calligraphy, Weddings

(Dutch) wedding events used to be generic, boring, old-fashioned, pink and purple, non-creative and totally focussed on brides only. Until Engaged Event NL. It’s young, fresh, creative, colorful, unique, trendy and everything else you really want. It’s not an event to just find a lot of things to (over)spend your wedding budget on. But one where you can find vendors who really work with you to create a unique and personal wedding day. Also it is just a fun event to go to, to get inspired and have a great day. It would be a great date to go on as a couple, because there’s a lot of cool stuff for grooms too. The wedding industry seems to forget that grooms are a pretty important part of their business sometimes. Well, not Engaged. Just go grooms, you won’t be sorry!
Since I am a fan of Engaged, it was a true honor to me when the organizers asked me to address the envelopes for the vendor info packs in calligraphy. Engaged loves modern calligraphy. As do I, and so I spent some days calligraphing a bunch of pretty yellow envelopes.IMG_5066IMG_5102
I hope to be one of the vendors at Engaged in October, but as mentioned in my previous post, we’re expecting a baby then. So it might be hard for me to be there. We’ll see. I guess Engaged is here to stay, so if not this year, then the next.

Have a great week!

XO Jeau

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